What my customers have said:
I used to be the girl who "did it all" and was affectionately called MARTHA by my friends...
Which I loved!
Well, i'm here to tell you that "MARTHA" is not sustainable unless you have a team of cooks,
stylists, decorators, and crafters.
And I know this because my body crashed and instead of running around saying YES! YES!
YES! and baking the BEST chocolate chip cookies just for fun I was lying flat out on my couch
a hormonal mess, with an autoimmune diagnosis, crying and wondering if i'd ever be myself
Without the YESES, the party planning, and the DOing... who am I?
It was on my couch that I learned:
Who am I
How to prioritize my self care
Show more love for myself
A new appreciation for my body
And empathy for others laying flat on their couches!