/ˈbrākˌTHro͞o/ n. a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.
You could be one thought away from a decision.  Turning a thought into a decision is where the real power lies.  Having tools to implement your decision is also imperative for success.

How does breakthrough feel? 




I recently observed a thought about my weight that was not serving me.  It was a story that I was telling over and over like it was a fact:

“I gained weight overnight after my vaccination.  Real weight!  The kind you can grab onto.”

This story is not true and it absolved me of all responsibility and took away my power to do anything about it. 

Once I realized this thought distortion and went to work I started seeing a breakthrough.  One pound at a time. (4 pounds at the time of this writing).

What thought is keeping you from losing your weight? 


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