My chemical-free hair care journey actually started about ten years ago. One of my girlfriends had recently started using a no-poo product that had just come out on the market. The idea of dropping traditional shampoos and using something healthier and chemical free on my hair intrigued me. So I did my research (on Pinterest) and found that there were other non-chemical ways of cleansing my hair. Some of them had been used for years. Shortly after that is when I started using the baking soda/apple cider rinse method.
Read more...I only wash my hair once a week. When my hair was shorter I had to wash it everyday. I also used TONS of products to keep it looking fresh and funky like I wanted it to. I also was getting it cut every three weeks, so I didn’t have to be too concerned about hair quality since I was losing a third of my length. But as I grew my hair out, I had to learn how to take care of it all over again. I wanted to keep it looking healthy and beautiful.
About that same time, I learned of all the chemicals that were in my hair care products and I knew I had to do something different. So I switched to a