As we continue into our spring season my love for a capsule wardrobe is unwavering. I love that I don’t waste time trying to makes decisions about what I am going to wear. I love the simple convenience of a basic wardrobe filled with high quality, classic pieces that I look and feel good in. And I love...that I have the smaller closet. Even smaller now that I’m doing the 10 piece wardrobe.
However, I do realize that a capsule wardrobe is not for everyone. While simplifying your apparel has its benefits, it also comes with its own unique challenges.
For example, I once had to take several items from my capsule to be altered (buttons, hems, waistbands, etc.), which left me with even fewer options.
I had two meetings that week but, due to my reduced capsule, I ended up wearing the same dress to both. An astute young woman, who also attended both meetings, asked me if I loved the color navy. I knew exactly why she was asking and she later confirmed that, yes, in fact, she wanted to know why I was wearing the same dress again!
I guess I should have paid more attention to how often I wore the dress while my clothes were being altered. A few days after the young woman confronted me about my love of navy, I was also heckled by someone else who, when I wore a white dress, said: “Oh that dress looks good on you. At least it’s not NAVY!”
Therefore, that summer I learned a very important lesson for the capsule wardrobe aficionado: Next time I find my wardrobe in need of maintenance, try to get through the entire season before taking the items in. The time to get clothes altered is after my next seasonal changeover.
Despite that seasons’ limitations, though, I was always dressed appropriately, modestly, and comfortably! I still love the freedom my capsule wardrobe affords me. Join me on Wednesday evenings and watch my weekly series: "Wardrobe Wednesday" on Instagram! Where we talk about all things wardrobe! Why not try it yourself? If you would like to see if a capsule wardrobe could work for you, click this link to contact me!
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