Clutter often comes from having no set home for specific items. For example: no spot to put gently used gift bags or extra party supplies. Take some time to assess which items seem to be consistently out of place, and usually you will find that it's because there's no home for them.
CHOOSE to contain the clutter by starting with totes, boxes, or even baskets. For example:
Choose a Donation Box: Gently used clothing, toys, and household items can go here and when the box is full, it is time to take it to a local donation center.
Choose a Resale Tote: If you plan to have a garage sale or sell items online, keep them together and out of the way until you're ready.
Choose a Question Basket: Anything that doesn't have a place needs to go here until you find one, but don't let the basket overflow!
This tip can help you to Nest Pretty while you are in the process of decluttering.
It doesn't have to be perfect.....but it can be pretty!
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