Who Do You Think You Are?

There are times when we're forced to pause and reflect. When was the last time you asked yourself this question? 

  • After eating a whole pint of ice cream?

  • After wrestling with your 16 year old nephew?

  • The morning after an all nighter when you didn't even wash your face?

I remember clearly the day I realized that I can't head bang to 80's rock music anymore.  Why?  Because I couldn't move the next day.

And then there was that time when in the youthful enjoyment of a longtime friend I didn't get the sleep that I normally thrive on.  Would I do it again?  Yes!  But I can't help but ask: Who SERIOUSLY do you think you are?

Moments like this happen and we get behind in our systems but sometimes it helps us to make defining decisions that protect us in the future....sorry ice cream I love you but I just can't!

Share in the comments below a defining moment in your life when you asked yourself:  Who Do You Think You Are?

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It’s where we celebrate the process of making a beautiful Nest.
It's all about making small choices every day that add up to a beautiful life!

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1 Comment

  1. I asked myself what was I thinking when I tried to give my full of life 3 yr old grandson (who is the size of a 5 yr. old) a piggie back ride while running. Yeah let me just let everyone know you can try it if you want to but I wouldn't recommend it!!

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