Deciding is one of the most powerful tools we have. It takes courage though.
Have you allowed decisions to spin in your head for days, months, years?
What decision do you have spinning in your mind right now?
The freedom that comes from decision is unprecedented!
Here’s a simple example: At one point in your life you decided or it was decided for you that you would brush your teeth at least twice a day. Because the decision was made…this is a non-negotiable activity that you faithfully accomplish every day without a thought. There’s no drama about brushing your teeth. You don’t spend any time spinning about the perfect way to accomplish the task. You just do it. No thoughts, no drama.
Now imagine this goal that’s spinning in your head…this decision you’d like to make and can you put it in the same container as brushing your teeth? At least to start. You can improve on the method as you go.
Step 1: Decide!