The question of what colors should be in your wardrobe is an intriguing one, but in the end, there is no one-color-suits-all. Choosing a color palette is entirely personal and subjective. It might be a little confusing or even intimidating, but, rest assured, it can be done. How to Begin...
Are your dresser drawers bloated? When you go to pull out a top, pair of pants, or a sweater, do you find yourself in a tug of war? After it's been in the "clink" do you iron it a second time so people don't think your clothes are stored in a bag? Then you need to carry capsule wardrobe principles into your bureaus as well...
I understand if you're still a little nervous to trim down your closet. Some people like having so many choices that they don't have to repeat an outfit for weeks or months, they find it comforting. However, I firmly believe that having a closet crammed full of options--including some that no longer fit or are worn out--doesn't make your life any easier. Instead it only adds to your stress...