You don’t have to be a princess to dress like one. We grew up in a world full of princesses, some real, some fairy tales—Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Diana, Princess of Wales, Grace Kelly, Princess Consort of Monaco—even Jackie Kennedy Onassis was regarded as American royalty. All of these women, imaginary or not, have one thing in common: they've all had an impact on our daily fashion life. ...
"Isn't that something your bury in the ground?" A response I once got when I mentioned my capsule wardrobe. CONFUSED? The idea is not new...
As we continue into our spring season my love for a capsule wardrobe is unwavering... However, I do realize that a capsule wardrobe is not for everyone. While simplifying your apparel has its benefits, it also comes with its own unique challenges. For example...
It's great to have a calendar system to remind us of upcoming projects that will help us to Nest Pretty. Time flies though and sometimes we are reminded by our surroundings that Spring has Sprung and it's time to change out your wardrobe...
It’s officially spring, despite what your Weather app is saying about the northeast. Flowers are blooming; leaves are coming out on the trees; nude stretch pants are once again making their presence felt...